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What information is available on private-sector irrigation schemes in Nigeria? What potential is there for their expansion? Conversely, what constraints limit their operations? These are the key questions addressed in a new Working Paper from the International Food Policy Research Institute’s Nigeria Strategy Support Program (IFPRI-NSSP) entitled “Constraints for Small-scale Private Irrigation Systems in the North Central Zone of Nigeria: Insights from a Typology Analysis and Case Study”. The Working Paper is co-authored by Hiroyuki Takeshima, Research Fellow at IFPRI HQs in Washington DC and Hyacinth Edeh, Research Analyst at the IFPRI-NSSP Office in Abuja.
This publication is one of the outputs of the Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project, a joint effort between IFPRI-NSSP and Michigan State University which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Nigeria).
You can access the Paper by clicking the link below: