Awa Sanou, Bukola Osuntade, Saweda Liverpool-Tasie, Thomas Reardon. 2017. Climate Change and the Poultry Value Chain in Nigeria: Issues, Emerging Evidence, and Hypotheses. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Brief 41. East Lansing: Michigan State University
- In general, climate change affects the whole poultrysupply chain, from bird and egg farming towholesale to processing to retail. Climate change will probably affect maize farming differently overzones.
- Also in general, climate change affects the feedsupply chain (mills and wholesale) indirectly by its effects upstream on maize and poultry farming andmidstream by affecting the integrity of supply chain infrastructure and the humidity conditions ofstorage.
- Climate change can also affect the geography ofproduction and supply chains over time. We positthat more production risk and extreme weather maymove part of maize farming south in Nigeria fromits traditional center in middle and NorthernNigeria. This shift may need innovation intechnology and institutions to occur well.
- Climate change can be linked to animal diseasediffusion. It makes it hotter and that hurts poultry farming by provoking stress and disease.
- Climate change is itself affected by poultry farmingvia farming’s generation of GHG. Poultry farming involves various practices each of which can bedone in such a way as to produce more greenhousegas than done in more sustainable ways.