The research team on activity 2.4 will take a two-fold approach. The first approach uses a nationally representative dataset collected by the World Bank and the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) to provide some descriptive analysis of the Nigerian landscape with particular attention to land availability and its correlations with rural household activities. This approach will specifically explore an extraction of data on farm sizes across states of the federation to inform relevant policy at the Federal and State Level. The second dimension of the work of the research team will focus on current issues around land in Nigeria including conflicts around land. Of particular interest is the Federal Government policy to establish grazing reserves in States of the Federation as a means to improve yield from livestock farming as well as curb clashes between cattle farmers on one hand and crop farmers and their community on the other. There are divergent opinions, especially amongst Governments (with significant support of the population) of the States of the Federation on the viability of this policy. As a topical issue, not limited to Nigeria, the research team will provide an analysis on the subject.
Research Team Leader
Dr. Oyinkan Tasie (MSU)
Research Team Members
Dr. Evans Osabuohien (Covenant University)
Ms. Amaka Nnaji, (University of Nigeria Nsukka)